Franco Banfi
Why go far, if you can go furtherFranco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi Franco Banfi

Addicted to passion, emotions and highest quality
I was born in Switzerland and live nearby Lugano Lake. I started shooting pictures 35 years ago and became a professional photographer in 2000, specialized in wildlife and nature, underwater environments.
I’ve a massive experience in travelling and guiding micro-groups of people, enthusiasts about nature and photography. I speak fluently four languages and have successfully explored almost every corner of the planet. Hence, I think that priceless expertise and knowledge are a great plus for customers who travel with Wildlife Photo Tours.
Since a long time, I’m known worldwide for my versatility. Through the evocative power of my images, I was able to raise a veil over a lot of uncommon animals and locations, shooting wildlife and human interaction with nature, in destinations from the Equator to the Polar regions (both Arctic and Antarctic).
My photo-library includes a large array of images taken in extreme contrast environments.





Communication Strategies
A good photograph is knowing where to stand. Photography can help a company to best tell itself, its product or service. Images are the bases from the creation of corporate images, to the documentation of certain production phases, up to advertising.
Photo Tours
There are no shortcut when people matters.
You have to listen and to care the expectations of your customers to be the leader of a group. You have to love people. You need to have empathy to go with your fellows and to remain the artist you are.

Photo Exhibitions and Workshop
Photography is an index. It indicates an absence, something that is not there when people watch. That’s why good images trigger strong emotions, touch deep ropes, bring forgotten memories to the surface, light desires.